What Working Part-time Does to Your Retirement

What Working Part-time Does to Your Retirement

What Working Part-time Does to Your Retirement is a critical issue to consider before working While the part-time job can be enjoyable and give you some extra income, it’s also a wise financial In addition to allowing you…

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Retired Early on Social Security Can I Work Full Time

Retired Early on Social Security Can I Work Full Time

You may be asking yourself, “Can I work full-time if I’m retired?” The answer depends on your If you’ve just turned 65 and are still working, you can keep your full benefits or reduce them However, you should…

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10 Amazing Places to Visit in Your 60s | Destinations for senior travel

10 Amazing Places to Visit in Your 60s

[cleveryoutube video=”S4vztZcxcmo” style=”1″ pic=”https://livintheretiredlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/happy-senior-lady-smiling-at-a-man.jpg” afterpic=”https://livintheretiredlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/happy-senior-lady-smiling-at-a-man.jpg” alignment=”center”] 10 Amazing Places to Visit in Your 60s Around the World If you are over the age of 60, you have probably never traveled…

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Do Grandparents Get Visitation and Custody Rights of Grandchildren?

Do Grandparents Get Visitation and Custody Rights of Grandchildren?

Do Grandparents Get Visitation and Custody Rights of Grandchildren? Do Grandparents Get Visitation and Custody Rights of their children? It depends on the situation, but in general, they Whether a grandparent receives custody or visitation depends on the case…

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Social Security Spousal Benefits - MADE EASY to Understand

Social Security Spousal Benefits – MADE EASY to Understand

Social Security Spousal Benefits are These benefits are based on your partner’s work If you and your spouse were married for more than ten years, you might be eligible to receive spousal To qualify, you must have…

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How to Transition From Full-Time Work to Semi-Retirement Doing Work You Love

How to Transition From Full-Time Work to Semi-Retirement Doing Work You Love

When it comes to retiring from your job, there are many options It may be as simple as cutting back on hours or starting a second part-time Or it might mean creating a Regardless of your choice,…

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7 GOOD REASONS to File for Social Security Benefits at Age 62

7 GOOD REASONS to File for Social Security Benefits at Age 62

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Your SENIOR DISCOUNT - Take the Damn Discount!

Your SENIOR DISCOUNT – Take the Damn Discount!

Senior Discount – Take the Damn Discount! Get a senior discount at Walmart, Kohl’s, Ross, and state I’ll show you how to apply the value in each If you’re unable to qualify for these programs, you can still…

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What's the Best Age to Claim Social Security 62, 66, or 70?

What’s the Best Age to Claim Social Security 62, 66, or 70?

If you’re planning to collect your social security benefits, the best time to claim is at age Your monthly benefit will increase by about 8 percent every year after reaching full retirement age; however, waiting until age 70 will…

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