Special Legal Protections for Poor Seniors

Special Legal Protections For Poor Seniors – Sixth Edition

Special Legal Protections for Poor Seniors

The sixth edition of Special Legal Protections for the Elderly has recently been published. This article will discuss the Author, the Source of Funding, and the Issues covered in the book. More specifically, this article is intended for senior citizens and not for professionals in the field. However, it may be helpful to those who are planning to help the elderly or are already the elderly themselves. To learn more, continue reading!

Author of the sixth edition of Special Legal Protections for Poor Seniors

The sixth edition of Special Legal Protections for Poor Senior Citizens is available at a discounted price from the Missouri Bar Foundation. Funding for the second edition came from the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging, the Missouri Bar Young Lawyers’ Section Council, and the Missouri Lawyer Trust Account Foundation. The Missouri Bar Foundation and the Anheuser-Busch Foundation also provided funding for the seventh, eighth, and ninth editions.

The book’s concept and writing were inspired by Barbara J. Gilchrist, a lawyer at the Legal Aid Society and its Elderly Unit. She later served as the LAS’s VISTA attorney and was a member of the Bar Association’s Committee on Aging. She is now a law professor at St. Louis University Law School and has given numerous lectures to the elderly in the St. Louis area. The Mid-East Area Agency has supported her work on Aging.

The funding source for the sixth edition

The Missouri Bar Foundation and the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging jointly funded the sixth edition, published in April 2011. A separate group of attorneys and community organizations provided funding for the seventh and eighth editions, and the Missouri Lawyer Trust Account Foundation funded the ninth edition. These organizations have each offered substantial funding for the project, and their support has allowed the publication to continue improving and evolving.

Federal funding will ensure that older adults receive high-quality care in the comfort of their own homes. The program’s focus on prevention, early intervention, and rehabilitation have been critical in helping older adults improve their health and well-being. Specifically, the sixth edition of the Special Legal Protections for Poor Seniors Act will address elder abuse and neglect. The funding will also increase access to quality care in the community and the home.

Issues covered in the book

A Missouri Bar project to provide legal assistance to low-income senior citizens has produced a handbook on various issues that affect poor seniors. The handbook, available from the Mo Bar website, has a table of contents with links to the topics covered. The author, Barbara J. Gilchrist, is a former VISTA attorney and member of the Elderly Unit of the St. Louis Legal Aid Society. She has been a law professor at St. Louis University Law School. She has presented lectures on issues of concern to senior citizens throughout the region, including the Missouri State Office on Aging.

While traditional tort remedies are available for financial abuse, many attorneys are hesitant to pursue them for elderly clients. Fortunately, the Alabama Supreme Court recently approved punitive damages for insurance fraud involving an insurance policy. However, punitive damages are still not available in all states, and many judges are reluctant to award them in elderly cases. This means that attorneys often choose not to pursue civil remedies for their elderly clients.

Adding financial institutions to mandatory reporters could help protect elderly residents from financial abuse. Lawyers also have a role in preventing financial abuse. The authors outline the role lawyers play in protecting elderly clients in the book. This could be beneficial for many senior citizens in need of eldercare. It could be an invaluable weapon in the fight against financial abuse of the elderly. While there are many hurdles to pursuing these claims, the book provides a practical guide for those seeking to protect the interests of the elderly.

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