Claiming Social Security from Your Ex’s Earnings After Divorce

Welcome to our blog post where we explore the topic of claiming Social Security from your ex’s earnings after divorce. In this article, we will provide you with valuable information and insights on how you can navigate this aspect of Social Security benefits. Whether you are currently going through a divorce or have already gone through one, understanding the intricacies of claiming your ex-spouse’s earnings can have a significant impact on your financial future. Join us as we delve into this important topic and unravel the steps involved in obtaining what is rightfully ours.


When it comes to claiming Social Security benefits after a divorce, many people are unaware that they may still be entitled to a portion of their ex-spouse’s income. In this article, we will delve into the secrets of maximizing Social Security benefits even after a divorce. We’ll explore the expert insights of Mary Beth Franklin, a renowned Certified Financial Planner, and author of the book “Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits.” We will also discuss the eligibility criteria for claiming spousal benefits as a divorced spouse. So, let’s dive right in and discover how we can cash in on an ex-spouse’s earnings to improve our retirement income.

Heading 1: The Secrets to Maximizing Social Security Benefits Post-Divorce

Sub-heading 1: Understanding the Possibility of Claiming Ex-Spouse’s Income

Mary Beth Franklin sheds light on an interesting aspect of Social Security benefits – claiming them from a spouse’s income even after a divorce. While this may come as a surprise to many, it offers an opportunity for divorcees to boost their retirement income. By navigating the complexities of Social Security, we can potentially tap into our ex-spouse’s earnings and secure a stable financial future.

Sub-heading 2: Exploring Spousal Benefits as a Divorcee

One of the ways we can cash in on an ex-spouse’s income is through spousal benefits. These benefits enable individuals who have been divorced from their spouse to claim a portion of their ex’s Social Security earnings. By meeting the eligibility criteria, we can receive a monthly benefit amount based on the ex-spouse’s earnings record. It’s a valuable option to consider, especially for those whose own benefits fall short.

Heading 2: Mary Beth Franklin – Expert Insights on Maximizing Social Security Benefits

Sub-heading 1: An Introduction to Mary Beth Franklin

Mary Beth Franklin, a highly regarded Certified Financial Planner, has been helping individuals navigate the complex world of Social Security for years. With her expertise, she has educated countless people on how to make informed decisions about their retirement benefits. As the author of the book “Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits,” she is a trusted source of knowledge for anyone looking to optimize their Social Security income.

Sub-heading 2: Learning from Mary Beth Franklin’s Expertise

Franklin’s insights provide actionable strategies for those seeking to maximize their Social Security benefits post-divorce. By following her advice, we can make informed decisions about when and how to claim our benefits. Franklin emphasizes the importance of understanding the rules and regulations surrounding divorce and Social Security to make the most of the available options. By taking advantage of her expertise, we can ensure a financially secure future.

Heading 3: Additional Resources for Maximizing Social Security Benefits

Sub-heading 1: Watching the Interview with Mary Beth Franklin

To further enhance our understanding of maximizing Social Security benefits, we can watch an interview featuring Mary Beth Franklin. In this interview, Franklin shares valuable tips and tricks, giving us insights into the strategies she recommends. By watching this interview, we can gain further clarity on how to navigate the complexities of Social Security benefits after divorce.

Sub-heading 2: Exploring Educational Videos on

In addition to the interview, we can also find informative videos on that address various financial aspects of retirement. These videos cover topics such as why seniors don’t have to worry about paying back old debts and how seniors can avoid paying taxes. By watching these videos, we can expand our knowledge and make informed decisions regarding our finances in retirement.

Sub-heading 3: Purchase Mary Beth Franklin’s Book

For those who prefer to delve deeper into the subject, Mary Beth Franklin’s book, “Maximizing Your Social Security Benefits,” is a highly recommended resource. Through this book, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the strategies to optimize our retirement income. Franklin’s expertise and guidance will prove invaluable in navigating the complexities of Social Security benefits.

Sub-heading 4: Dealing with Debt Collectors

Seniors facing challenges with debt collectors can also benefit from the resources available on A video on how to deal with debt collectors provides practical advice on handling such situations. By learning effective strategies to deal with debt collectors, we can protect our financial well-being and make informed decisions.

Sub-heading 5: Subscribing to on YouTube

To stay updated with the latest tips and information related to retirement, we can subscribe to on YouTube. By subscribing, we gain access to an extensive collection of videos tailored to seniors’ needs. These videos cover various topics, including financial strategies, healthcare options and tips for an enriched retirement.


Divorce doesn’t have to spell financial doom for our retirement years. By understanding the intricacies of claiming Social Security benefits from an ex-spouse’s income, we can maximize our retirement income and secure a stable financial future. Expert insights from the likes of Mary Beth Franklin and resources available on platforms like equip us with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions. So, empower yourself with this valuable information and embark on a journey towards financial security post-divorce.


  1. Can I claim Social Security benefits from my ex-spouse’s income after divorce?
  2. What are spousal benefits, and how can they benefit divorced individuals?
  3. Where can I find Mary Beth Franklin’s book, “Maximizing Your Social Security Retirement Benefits”?
  4. Besides Social Security benefits, what other financial topics are covered in the videos on
  5. How long do I have to be married before being eligible for spousal benefits as a divorced spouse?

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