Essential Benefits that Struggling Veterans Need to Know

Are you a struggling veteran who is seeking essential benefits? Look no further. In this blog post, we will explore the plethora of benefits that are available to you. Whether it’s financial assistance, healthcare benefits, educational opportunities, or career support, we’ve got you covered. So, sit back, relax, and discover the key benefits that can significantly improve your life as a veteran.


Are you a struggling veteran? Do you know that there are benefits available to you that you may be unaware of? In this article, we will discuss the essential benefits that struggling veterans need to know about. Attorney Eric Olsen, founder of the HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm, explains how many veterans and surviving spouses are unaware of the benefits they deserve. By understanding and accessing these benefits, you can receive the aid and assistance you need to improve your quality of life.

Heading 1: Aid and Attendance for Struggling Veterans

One of the benefits that struggling veterans can benefit from is the Aid and Attendance program. This program provides monthly payments in addition to other VA pension payments. It is designed to help veterans who require the aid and attendance of another person or who are housebound due to their disability. By receiving these payments, veterans can receive the necessary care and support they need to live a more comfortable life.

  • The Aid and Attendance program provides financial assistance to veterans who require the aid and attendance of another person or who are housebound due to their disability.
  • Monthly payments can be used to cover the cost of in-home care, assisted living facilities, or nursing homes.
  • To qualify for Aid and Attendance, veterans must meet certain eligibility criteria, including having served at least 90 days of active duty, with at least one day during a period of war.

Heading 2: The HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm

The HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm, founded by Attorney Eric Olsen, is dedicated to assisting seniors, disabled persons, and struggling veterans with debt. By providing educational resources and free legal services, the organization aims to empower individuals to take control of their financial situation and improve their quality of life. Through their services and expertise, they can help struggling veterans access the benefits they deserve.

  • The HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm offers free legal services and resources to seniors, disabled persons, and struggling veterans.
  • The organization aims to empower individuals to take control of their financial situation and improve their quality of life.
  • By working with the HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm, struggling veterans can receive the assistance they need to navigate the complex process of accessing benefits.

Heading 3: The Importance of Awareness

According to sources, 97 percent of veterans or surviving spouses entitled to benefits like Aid and Attendance don’t receive them because they are unaware of them. This lack of awareness can prevent struggling veterans from accessing the aid and assistance they need to improve their lives. That’s why it is crucial to spread awareness and educate veterans about the benefits available to them.

  • Many struggling veterans and surviving spouses are unaware of the benefits they deserve.
  • Lack of awareness prevents veterans from accessing the aid and assistance they need.
  • Spreading awareness and educating veterans about the available benefits is crucial.

Heading 4: Additional Resources and Videos

To further educate and inform struggling veterans, there are various resources and videos available. Jeff Hoyt, the Editor-in-Chief of, provides valuable insights and information through video content. Topics covered include Aid and Attendance, veteran pensions, senior living communities, legal advice, and more. By watching these videos, veterans can gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and resources available to them.

  • Jeff Hoyt, Editor-in-Chief of, provides valuable insights through video content.
  • Videos cover topics such as Aid and Attendance, veteran pensions, senior living communities, legal advice, and more.
  • Watching these videos can help struggling veterans gain a deeper understanding of the benefits and resources available to them.


In conclusion, struggling veterans can benefit from understanding and accessing the essential benefits available to them. Programs like Aid and Attendance can provide monthly payments to veterans who require the aid and attendance of another person or who are housebound due to their disability. Attorney Eric Olsen and the HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm are dedicated to assisting seniors, disabled persons, and struggling veterans with debt. By spreading awareness and educating veterans about the benefits they deserve, we can ensure that they receive the aid and support they need.


  1. How can struggling veterans benefit from the Aid and Attendance program?
  2. What is the HELPS Nonprofit Law Firm and how can it assist struggling veterans?
  3. Why is awareness regarding veteran benefits important?
  4. How can Jeff Hoyt’s video content help struggling veterans?
  5. What steps can be taken to access the essential benefits available to struggling veterans?

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